Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sante Barley International




Santé International is a distribution company of organic wellness products. The company trade products that do not have synthetic, harmful ingredients while serving as a mounting venue for entrepreneurs.

The potent synergy's dedication in advancing wellness produced a fine line of products that captured the fancy of the market.

Santé International has been the unsurpassed illustration in the distribution industry as well as in honing excellent entrepreneurs. We have superior organic wellness products to choose from all with affordable prices as well as the finest customer service. Have the benefit of getting big discounts off in all of our merchandise and start a business via signing up with our dealer and franchising program. Buying, replenishing stocks as well as sales disbursement is made easy by Santé. We look forward to serve you...


Why do we need


__Today, our food is so depleted of nutrients because of over-cropping (not allowing the soil to rest) pesticides and other environmental contaminants. For optimal health, the human body requires over 80 minerals; it is common practice for the farming industry to only add 4 minerals back into the soil after harvest.

So, not surprisingly, many people initially find their appetite increases when taking Barley Life, as the body starts to get the nutrients it has previously been deprived of. By increasing your dose, in time this balances and you lose the feeling of hunger. You can then decrease your dose if you wish. Household food bills are cut down as over-eating and snacking in-between meals becomes a habit of the past.

Whole body health is achieved when all body systems are in balance. No single body system is targeted—we make choices that keep all systems toxin-free and that supply all systems with optimum nutrition.

The result is total wellness: waking up every day feeling great! Drink Santé Pure Barley EVERYDAY...


1 comment:

  1. if u wanna stay healthy, keep drinking sante pure barley everyday...
